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*According to Marvel’s senior Vice president of Sales, David Gabriel, it appears like Marvel’s Captain America: The combating Avenger one-shot coming this April is NOT the end of their all-ages line as has been reported around the ‘net.
*It’s being reported that Warner siblings has hired British actor Henry Cavill (The Tudors) as the new Superman in Zack Snyder’s reboot.
*Sad news folks. Wizard as well as Toyfare magazines have stopped publication.
*Boom! Studios is going to begin publishing all-new world of the Apes comics beginning in April.
*By now many of you have checked out amazing four #587. Here’s an interview with writer Jonathan Hickman speaking about the whys, what-fors as well as where-tos.
*See the fantastic lady who styles very Hero aprons!
*You can make your own Iron guy pizza with pepperoni, a bit cheddar cheese as well as some well-placed onion slices! (Not sure what the black stuff is though! any type of guesses?)